2024-10-18 to 2024-10-19 - Implementing Advanced UI Interactions and POI Management
During this period, I tackled technical challenges in integrating game elements with the user interface. The task involved establishing a way to link components like BP_Weapon_Component to the HUD. This was crucial for displaying ammo counts, reloading information, and other details without breaking immersion. I worked on accessing variables within these components and updating them in real-time to reflect gameplay changes.
There was also a focus on refining the logic for how POIs interact with the AI and the player. This required implementing systems to determine which POI Krigz should prioritize based on player actions and the time spent in each area. During this phase, I considered various technical approaches, including using dynamic components like Environment Query Systems (EQS) and streamlined sphere collision checks, before finalizing the latter approach for its simplicity and efficiency.